Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[ 0 2 ] w a n d e r l u s t

I was a mental crossroads before the physical one. "Should I take the 10 minute car ride to the parking lot where its a safer ride home or should I walk the 15 minutes as the sun is dying and the sides of buildings are something warm." My heart told me to walk. It tells me this just about everyday. If you could take every profession and hybridize it for the purposes of weighing it on the scale, you might see it has tilted towards interiors and digitalization since well before the millenium. And thus, like a railroad, we're seeing the progression of time and space's annihilation. Samurais. Archeologists. The wanderers. These are the myths we are interested in. I believe whenever we associate these kinds of myths towards people in vehicles, we immediately juncture for the vehicle and its effect on industrialization and technology. Not the poetic humanity.

"Though I suppose the two got along sometimes."

The epicenter of bases has expanded while the roads travelled there and between are smaller. The journey is not key as much as it used to be. As a matter of fact, unless you have the slowest apartment connection imaginable (like yours truly), you have access past the journey in a matter of .025 seconds. I chose to walk rather than drive. I didn't understand the full depths of my romantic assertion until I had a good read at Wanderlust : A History of Walking. I always knew it made me happy, juxtaposed nature with my tendencies as a man around metallics, and to breathe the atmosphere which anyone can appreciate. 

A lot interested me as an avid walker, which calves the size of your favorite baseball player on "prescription" steroids. For instance, the connection between the strife away from interiors and the nonproprietary stance it beholds leading to the strife away from church. Rousseau is mentioned frequently, and the most imporant thing I took from his success as a philosopher and overall prison pal is how the mind should be away from evangelicals for they institute themselves inside an interior which concludes at God worship. This eventually leads to man worshiping only himself, believing his own cause as an organism in nature with independence (hence, your modern artist). I don't question the existence of God. I simply think its interesting food for thought as someone a little confused between faiths. I find it ironic that walking, as a liberating and blessed practice in unfolding the lengths of the imagination should find it demonizing (aware of that nomenclature) what faith and its institution practices.

"Run, don't walk!"

The main thought that always pillaged my mind before reading Wanderlust was its capabilities of easing a wintry, tender mind phased with isolation and needs. Even in Summer, I saw the cobblestone full of snow and streets of saints Simon and Garfunkel often went on and on about. I found it remains universal in time, but ironic, as then people walked in the streets to escape mundanity where as we are current escaping over oversaturation of access. Perhaps this is a natural remedy in the blood of us for annihilating so much space and time…

I haven't spoken particuarly about art, but much more about the process toward a creative thought. The evolution of certain types of walking caught my eyes, evolving from the hunched despondence of slouching to our upright (sometimes) demeanor of today. I had fun imagining the next step of what walking evolution would be, and I came to this : parkour. Yes, the art form. Besides when these performers fall several stories from a roof, what pain do you see when you see these man and women in action hopping and running alongside whatever they please? In fact, like a drug, its much stronger than walking and much more liberating from what it seems. Walking is linked to this grand performance, on and off the canvas. We walk in nature to garner and create ideas.  We dance anywhere to express these ideas. As a matter of fact, most of the best urban or interior ideas come from outside and vice versa. The isolated mind wants to live like an animal. To free mind wants to taste a little order in their chaos. Re:

Hardcore Parkour

To close, you don't even need to walk far to see a distance between good and bad parts of areas. That's what thrills me even to walk a lot. You see the world in a single mile : the death of time between the rich and the poor. The casinos and the homeless. The cafes and the dollar stores. With the progression of technology (hence, railroads closing up space), why leave the city? You'll have a little outskirt of nature in between main street and the mountain. Its all there. Just be safe where you walk.

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